Tori's Pub Crawlers and The Fightin' G-Gnomes Drinking Team were part of the sellout crowd of 1,000 people that was focused on the best fundraising method ever invented - drinking beer. Tori's Pub Crawlers were a quartet this year, with hard-core veterans Robert, Tom Eksten, Connie Blumen and pub crawl rookie Mike 'Captain Poopypants' Crandell. With an average age of 50, we had to be the oldest team at the event, but we left our walkers, canes and AARP cards at home.
The challenges were greater than ever this year - not only had the number of participating bars increased to eight, but we wanted to make sure we made it to the Boss Martians concert. We had great weather and thoughtful mission planning in our favor and at the end of the day our team hit all nine stops in the allotted time, so suck on that all you youngins - and get off my lawn!
Other highlights of the day include the now infamous Bridgette and Callie gnome buttons and always entertaining Evan's Dream Team. Dream Team members drank extra hard this year to earn their own page, so click here for bonus coverage.