Rack Attack! 2006 Front Row: Tori, Ty Garfield with Helper Monkey and Eileen Pete. Back Row: Carol, Robert, Mike Crandell, Connie Blumen, Gavin Gray and Tom Eksten.
Bowl For Breath 2006
Rack Attack! was out in full force for this annual CF fundraiser. Nine team members descended on Sunset Bowl for strikes, spares, pizza and prizes. GIS guru Gavin Gray, super CF helper Eileen Pete and the not-so-lonely guy Ty Garfield joined the core group of Carol, Robert, Tori, Connie Blumen, Mike Crandell and Tom Eksten. We cleaned up on prizes, with four of us winning for throwing strikes to start the day, Robert winning for high series (489, with a high game of 231) and Gavin winning for lowest series (less than 489). Carol and Tori did well with 300 and 299 series respectively.
Rack Attack! warming up.
Our King Kong-inspired team poster for this year.
Tori with our team poster.
Connie gets excited when she wins prizes.
Eileen using a little body language to coax the ball.
Gavin still shaking the rust off his bowling skills.