CF Stair Climb 2003
This annual event makes you climb 56 flights of stairs of the Washington Mutual Tower, the second tallest building in Seattle. The reward, besides raising money for CF research, is food, water and beer. This sounds like a good trade-off, and Robert was more than willing to put his beer pouring skills to the test. When the climbing was done, $90,000 dollars had been raised and about 400 glasses of Red Hook were poured. Here are the photos taken when beer wasn't being poured.
Clockwise from upper left - Check-in for the climbers; A rare shot of Joy peeking in at the check-in table. Hi Joy!; The massage tables for climbers, unfortunately not for beer pourers; Jeannie and Ty; Climbers mill about prior to the start
The 'Is This a Great Job or What?' Photo
Robert pouring glass after glass of Red Hook ESB. Of course there was some periodic sampling, strictly for quality control.
(Left) Announcing the winners
(Center, Right and Above Right) Some of the teams after their successful climb.